Saturday 11 September 2010


Miss Dover and I visited Southend today to finalise details for our upcoming show at Tap gallery. To her credit M did not bat an eyelid when we told her of our plans to black the entire space out. She not mind either my erroneous AA sign being placed outside her gallery nor Miss Dover's plans to release a tumbleweed upon the public. All ideas were received with equanimity, happiness even. It was not until she saw one of my suggestions for publicity image (a sexy shot of my novel on a fur rug) that she looked a little disturbed.

After much tea and discussion about communist spies and exams we headed home, (this was our second visit together to Southend and we had failed to see the seafront yet again).

On the return to Ipswich we met Eugene the French Greek Orthodox priest and his girlfriend Jane (a Swiss Artist). He told us he had been a cowboy before taking orders but was now selling olives and cheese. They were off to a monastery in Maldon.

Mr Bracey sent me a message yesterday to say he was about to enter the Neon shop. He asked me if I was still fixed on pink and suggested he might go for lime green instead. Coincidentally my favourite neon sign is both.

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